If you're reading this page - it means you're having trouble using Media directory
Before you apply for help and write a letter, we recommend you to read this page - Recommendations to resolve some system problems.
First, you should TEST your computer - a page that automatically will check your system for the presence of all programs that are required for normal work with the media directory лTELEKANAL╗. To do this, visit the Service Page or click here.
If you successfully passed the test for the presence of the necessary programs, we still can not guarantee 100% quality of connection with you, because not all versions of these programs support the view television over the Internet in a live broadcast.
| Windows Media player 10 or 11 | - Download or visit the web-site. |
| Real One player 6 | - Download or visit the web-site. |
| WinAmp player 5 | - Download or visit the web-site. |
| Quick Time player 7 | - Download or visit the web-site. |
| Flash player | - Download or visit the web-site. |
+ | Internet Explorer 6 or 7 | - Download or visit the web-site. |
+ | Firefox Mozilla 3 | - Download or visit the web-site. |
What you need to watch television and listen to radio on
Nothing special. You must have the necessary computer programs: Media Player and Internet Browser. To check if you have all the necessary programs - visit the SERVICE page.
Why the right button of mouse is not working?
In order to protect the information and security of our pages, we have disabled the right button of mouse. For full use of media catalog "TELEKANAL", the context menu is not required.
Why during I watch some channels I have the picture freeze and lost sound?
Probably the speed of your Internet connection is not sufficient for smooth viewing of Internet Television.
Х Optimal speed of Internet connection: DSL 700 Kbit / sec.
Х Recommended speed of Internet connection: DSL 1500 Kbit / sec.
or Broadband (cable Internet).
Why some of the pages in media directory лTELEKANAL╗ in English only?
The media directory лTELEKANAL╗ first of all was developed in English. Other languages are introduced only like a modification of main page for the convenience of users.
Why nothing happens, when I try to start a channel?
Media Catalog лTELEKANAL╗, for the convenience of users, uses the pop-up windows. If you have Pop-Up Blocker - it automatically blocks all pop-up windows. How to resolve this problem?
Х Disable Pop-Up Blocker.
Х Add to content of pop-up blocker the address to make it friendly page.
Х Remove or Uninstall the Pop-Up Blocker.
Usually Pop-Up Blocker is installed automatically along with some Toolbars. If you're running (Google Toolbar, Yahoo Toolbar, AOL Toolbar) or another, it may be exactly the problem. If you have installed Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, or you are using the Windows Vista OS - usually Pop-Up Blocker is automatically added to the Internet Explorer.
Why I see Error message, when I try to start a channel?
Maybe your Internet Browser old version or you use an operating system is not compatible with Windows. In any case, we recommend you to use the most recent versions of the programs shown above.
Why I'm asking so many questions?
This rhetorical question has only two answers. :-)
You are not really experienced user in the Internet and need extra help
or you just have nothing else to do! Joke ;)
PS: If you followed all the steps and still have problems with our page - please contact us by email and describe us the problem.